Wrap-up of the least relaxing summer of my life

16 August 2022

I went to LREC, presented The VoxWorld Platform for Multimodal Embodied Agents (yay!) and then got COVID-19 (boo!). AirFrance lost my luggage, and I wrote a massive Twitter thread about it here. Our paper, Multimodal Semantics for Affordances and Actions won best paper at HCII (yay!). Marseille was really hot.

I went to New England and ran a really hilly half marathon in Vermont. Meanwhile, my suitcase went to Paris and back without me and sat on our doorstep for a day. New England was really hot.

I submitted my first attempt at an NSF CAREER award proposal. British Columbia was really hot.

I went to CogSci and presented Exploiting Embodied Simulation to Detect Novel Object Classes Through Interaction. Did not get COVID again. Our paper, Affordance Embeddings for Situated Language Understanding, was accepted to Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence (yay!). Toronto was really hot.

I went to ESSLLI and co-taught a week-long course, Multimodal Semantics for Affordances and Actions (Hey, that’s the same title as our award-winning paper! Coincidence? I don’t know…). The course page, including slides and recorded lectures, can be found here. I also presented Exploring Correspondences Between Gibsonian and Telic Affordances for Object Grasping at the second AREA workshop. The aforementioned suitcase finally bit the dust. Ireland was really hot (noticing a pattern here?).

Our paper, A Generalized Method for Automated Multilingual Loanword Detection, was accepted to COLING in October (yay!)! I bet Korea will be really hot.