21 November 2022

Two back-to-back conference activities.

November 19: our paper Detecting and Accommodating Novel Types and Concepts in an Embodied Simulation Environment was presented at the Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems. My Ph.D. student Sadaf Ghaffari was on-site in Arlington, VA, for the presentation while I shared the presentation remotely.

November 20: co-taught (with James Pustejovsky) a tutorial, Grounding Meaning Representation for Situated Reasoning at AACL-IJCNLP 2022, a virtual conference notionally hosted in Taipei, Taiwan. More information on the tutorial, including a link to the slides, can be found here. A recording of the tutorial is available to AACL participants on the Underline platform (and will perhaps be released publicly later).

Normally I wouldn’t say this, but thank goodness for virtual conferences, because I can’t imagine pulling this off otherwise. Trying to take an actual break this Thanksgiving break.